Fx rate gbp to usd
Fx rate gbp to usd

Worst exchange rate of March 2021: 1.3689, Best exchange rate of March 2021: 1.3987, Average exchange rate in March 2021: 1. 2 The payment method you’re using using a debit card or a credit card to fund your transfers is usually the quickest, but can come with an extra cost.

fx rate gbp to usd

Check our comparison table above to find an estimate for most world currencies. To see the latest exchange rate and compare historic rates year on year, head over to our. The pair one of the majors is also referred to as the cable, referring to the transatlantic telecoms cable laid across the Atlantic Ocean floor as the first GBP USD rates were sent between the London and New York. One British pound currently exchanges at a rate of 1.2421 USD. Worst exchange rate of February 2021: 1.3648, Best exchange rate of February 2021: 1.4148, Average exchange rate in February 2021: 1.3874 1 Where you’re sending money to sending money to some currencies can take longer than others. GBP to USD is one of the world’s oldest established currency pairs, with its origins in the forex markets dating back to the mid-19th century. Worst exchange rate of January 2021: 1.3515, Best exchange rate of January 2021: 1.3741, Average exchange rate in January 2021: 1.3642 3 M YTD 1 Y 3 Y Advanced Charting Compare Compare to Benchmark: EURUSD USDJPY BUXX Compare to Open 1.2861 Prior Close 1. Mastercard currency converter tool calculates foreign exchange rates for all the major currencies worldwide to enable cross-border purchases and ATM.

fx rate gbp to usd

Converting British Pound (GBP) to US Dollar (USD) in 2021 with the best, worst and average exchange rates of the year Table of 1 British Pound to US Dollar Exchange Rate:īritish Pound to US Dollar Monthly Exchange Rates

Fx rate gbp to usd