He has blue and gold frills around his neck and wears puffy blue pants accented by yellow stars.

On his head, he wears a sleeping cap that is blue in color and patterned with bright yellow stars, and the end of the cap is decorated with a golden bell. His arms are silver and gradient to blue towards his forearms, and his hands and fingertips are also colored blue. His torso is painted silver and black, and there are two buttons located on his chest. The sun rays surrounding his face are retracted into his head, the left half of his face turns black with the detailing on his teeth and eyes still visible, and the right side of his face, shaped like the crescent moon, turns white.

Moon, similarly to his daytime counterpart, is a jester or clown-themed animatronic with a head bearing the likeness of a grinning crescent moon. The inner animatronic parts of Sun can be seen through uncovered sections of his arms, hands, shoulders, and back. He has maroon ribbons with bells wrapped around his wrists. Sun also wears orange elf-like shoes with a star symbol on the outer part of the shoes, and a moon symbol on the inner part. Both his neck and waist frills are maroon with a yellow stripe. Sun is fit with a tan-amber shirt in which corresponds with his face colors, adorned with two buttons, yellow pants with maroon stripes, and a faint maroon gradient can be seen on his body just above the fabric sash of his waist frills. He has a lanky body with long limbs and large, opposable five-fingered hands (which is gradient from tanish to gray with gray fingertips). His head has spikes on its perimeter that resemble sun rays. Sun is a jester or clown-like animatronic with a stylized sun-shaped head, white eyes, and a widely-grinning expression, with a tan-ish side of his face curving over the other color half and overlapping the nose (becoming a crescent moon), and the other half being amber (going with the sun-part of it). 6.1 Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach.5.2 Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach.4.1 Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach.